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On Monday we received a letter from our principal stating that due to lower than expected enrollment and the resulting budget issues, we have all (staff, teachers-full and part time) been asked to take a voulntary pay cut. The amount we give up is to be decided by each of us, and we need to let the school know by Monday what our decision is. The only person who will know what (or whether) we give up is the financial director. Our principal will not know who gave, and how much.If enough is not given up then there will be across the board pay decreases and layoffs. The pay decrease they are hoping for is 10% of each salary, so it is very significant. I am wondering if any of you are or have ever been in a similar situation and how everything is working out at your school. Needless to say, we are all scared and upset. It's difficult to teach and work under all of this stress. Any advice? Thanks.
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Donna music/TN Can you at least get a donation receipt for the amount you give up, so you can get that benefit?

The other question is, have you yet asked parents if they'd be willing to do a voluntary tuition increase? If it were a choice of my DD's teachers losing 10% of their salary (and potentially losing teachers) or my increasing her tuition by 10%...See More
Aug 29, 2009
Helen These are great suggestions, Donna, and I will ask if these are possible. By the way, our salaries were already frozen this year, and we are also losing our retirement fund match, so the pay decrease is not the only reduction. This whole thing is devastating to everyone's financial stability. Some teachers are getting part time after school jobs in...See More
Aug 29, 2009
Sara It is stressful. The next step though will be to fire teachers and increase class size. I much prefer a salary cut to losing my job and benefits altogether.

What I don't like is the 'voluntary at your discretion' - that's a Horrible Way to go about it. Very poor choice. Someone needs to go and tell them so. They need to take sound leadersh...See More
Sep 8, 2009
penny On 9/08/09, Sara wrote: > It is stressful. The next step though will be to fire > teachers and increase class size. I much prefer a salary cut > to losing my job and benefits altogether. > I understand what you are going through. In april when we got our contracts, we were told all staff would be receiving 10% pay cuts. Naturally, we we...See More
Sep 20, 2009
Helen They ended up making an across the board 8% cut. We did let a couple of teachers go at the end of last year, and a few others had their hours cut. I guess this is just the way it is these days, with the economy being what it is. Helen

On 9/20/09, penny wrote: > On 9/08/09, Sara wrote: >> It is stressful. The next step though will ...See More
Sep 20, 2009

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