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Hi, I have moved to 5th grade from 1st this year and would like a more grown up Christmas book to read to the class. They would then maybe write a short summary or some other kind of writing to go along with it. Can anyone give me some ideas on any books that would be suitable? Thanks, Kate
4th Sorry for the late response, but with everything going on, I haven't been on here lately. You are probably already out for the holidays, so keep these in mind for next year.

A short chapter book is The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. It's very funny.

A picture book they seem to love--I read it to my 4th graders yesterday--is The Lege...See More
Dec 19, 2009
Kate Thanks anyway, we broke up yesterday. I did find an Advent one about a bear and its journey to Bethlehem. I was surprised how the kids liked it! I'll certainly look out for those you mentioned for next year. Merry Christmas! Kate

On 12/19/09, 4th wrote: > Sorry for the late response, but with everything going on, I > haven't been on ...See More
Dec 19, 2009

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