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I am a professor at a local university in my area and i teach philosophy, sociology, emergence of the USA, drama and psychology. My collegues irritate me so I try to limit my communication with them. Here is where the problem lays: students coming up to me and saying, "guess what professor Stone said about you today?" and them explaining how early today in, "business policy" professor Stone complained about an idea I had or what was discussed in the staff meetings. Our relationship between the professors should not interfere with the students. It baffles me that he does this. Should confront him?
jimV Yes.

Be polite yet firm. You are a professional and will act accordingly and expect others act in a similar fashion. Do not remark on being angry or frustrated, simply state that conversing with students about yourself or another professor in the manner presented as well as discussing the ongoings from a staff meeting are inappropriate and...See More
May 28, 2009
pixie Is it just one professor? How many students have told these tales? Just to preclude the possibility that the students are misquoting or exagggerating, I would approach Prof. Stone and relate what the students have told you, specifying the number of times it has happened, and allow him to respond, before coming down on him as the last poster recomme...See More
May 29, 2009

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