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It sounds like there are a lot of us first time adjuncts showing up here. I thought it would be fun to have one post to introduce ourselves and share experiences.

I'm teaching an algebra based physics class this fall. I taught a couple of classes right out of college and then worked as an engineer for a large company for several years. I am just getting back into the workforce after taking time off to be with my children.

A few things I'm doing to set the tone is to try and be incredibly organized with policies, procedures and expectations for my class up front and then stick to them. I realize that things will come up that may require some adjusting during the semester, but I think if you can let them know what to expect for the class on that first day, it goes a long way in preventing problems down the road.
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sspil Hi JM and Winnie!

Winnie, Smart Board are great once you get used to them. My kids had them in the classroom when we lived in GA. It allows a lot of interactive use between teacher and student that isn't available with a traditional blackboard. It is also integrated with computers. I wish our college had them. On the other hand, it is one ...See More
Aug 22, 2009
Sara in GA I'm not new to adjuncting, but I am now working with community college students for the first time; I usually work with post-grad teachers or admin.

I was hired on Thursday and when did classes start? You guessed it--Thursday! Because I am an online adjunct, I feel so far behind because online classes take a lot of prep. Once I catch up (...See More
Aug 22, 2009
sspil Hi Sarah!

I would love to teach online, but most of my classes require labs so that's not likely. I wonder if they will ever get around to doing a hybrid. Online class and in person labs.
Aug 23, 2009
bernoulli On 8/23/09, sspil wrote: > Hi Sarah! > > I would love to teach online, but most of my classes require labs > so that's not likely. I wonder if they will ever get around to > doing a hybrid. Online class and in person labs.

Yes. I helped develop a hybrid manufacturing processes class at my university as part of a mini-grant p...See More
Aug 23, 2009
Sspil That's a wonderful idea! Our community college just started a program where graduates of in district high schools can go to the CC tuition free. They have to be full time, do community service and maintain a C average. Because of this new program and the poor economy, there has been a very large spike in enrollment this year. They are trying to fin...See More
Aug 24, 2009

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