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Sigh…I graduated from high school and went on to a private college. Sigh…I graduated from college with honors and was accepted into medical school 2 years ago…sigh.

I have a long way to go and I am still encountering teachers/professors/lecturers/doctors/PhD’s/etc. who: 1. don’t know the material they are teaching. 2. don’t know how to teach the material. 3. are plain old everyday dumb. 4. are hateful. 5. act like they want you to fail because they are jealous.

I guess life is just one huge hurdle of unpleasant people. Spending time learning to deal with them, though, is taking time from what I am paying to learn.

How do some people get through school and go on to teach when they never learned a blooming thing and have no idea what they are doing?
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anon On 12/15/09, crystal wrote: > Hi im sorry to bother you > but i am a senior in High school > and i want to become a psychiatrist > can you please explain to me what major do > i pick when i start going to college?? Psycology > medical studies.... i dont know....all i know is that > you are a profeesor and i need to know......le...See More
Dec 15, 2009
nobody but the students seem to care On 8/23/09, No problem... wrote: > Sigh…I graduated from high school and went on to a private > college. Sigh…I graduated from college with honors and was > accepted into medical school 2 years ago…sigh. > > I have a long way to go and I am still encountering > teachers/professors/lecturers/doctors/PhD’s/etc. who: > 1. ...See More
Dec 27, 2009
Dr. C I work in the Writing Center and I see the worst > assignments coming through - professors who have no idea how > to teach writing or foster writing - but does the Dean do > anything? Help them in any way? > > No. Maybe she doesn't know but the system grinds on...and > students pay money and when they get a decent professor, they ...See More
Dec 31, 2009
test On 12/31/09, Dr. C wrote: > I work in the Writing Center and I see the worst >> assignments coming through - professors who have no idea how >> to teach writing or foster writing - but does the Dean do >> anything? Help them in any way? >> >> No. Maybe she doesn't know but the system grinds on...and >> student...See More
Jan 27, 2010
Math Teach They go on to teach because "teacher shortages" are created, and fools (Administrators) believe it.

Just look at the certification requirements for math teachers in most states. The "PRAXIS" passing score is typicaly 137 or so, a score attainable by anyone with a pulse. What is scary is that:

1) These teachers may end up teaching ...See More
Feb 3, 2010

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