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Happy Friday, everyone.

I am hoping for an interview for a full-time position at our local CC where I already teach part-time. I did not have to interview for the part time position, and I am looking for advice on the interview process. Are there particular things that Community Colleges look for opposed to 4-year colleges and secondary schools? I am looking to make this area my home and hope that the part-time position will help.

Any thoughts on areas of experience that I should emphasize?
Teri My Master's is in Community College Teaching (GSC, now Rowan U.) and am active in AMATYC. I started my career as a visiting prof and adjunct at two different state (4-yr) colleges before being hired at my cc 22 years ago. I want to keep this brief, feel free to email me directly if you have more questions. You need to understand that the cc is a di...See More
Sep 26, 2009
Leah You MIGHT get an idea from the following article but it is for prospective elementary teachers
Sep 26, 2009
Kate [link removed]
Sep 30, 2009

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