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Can someone please read, critique and rank my personal statement... I really want to polish it before I submit.

Question-Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person you are?

Answer-By December of this year, I will have achieved the single greatest tangible accomplishment of any known member of my family, and will posses something unprecedented in the entire history of my lineage - a college diploma. My beginnings were rough, and I was passed back and forth between my mother and father starting at a very young age. I lived primarily with my father, whom I cared for until he lost his battle with a terminal heart failure when I was sixteen. The next few years were very traumatic for me, as I once again was moved around from receiving home to relatives. By the time I was eighteen I was living on my own, working ...See More
Inder Jay, I think that you need to improve your command over the English language....

On 11/24/09, Jay wrote: > Can someone please read, critique and rank my personal > statement... I really want to polish it before I submit. > > Question-Tell us about a personal quality, talent, > accomplishment, contribution or experience that ...See More
Nov 24, 2009
Jay can you elaborate a little more on that Inder?

On 11/24/09, Inder wrote: > > Jay, I think that you need to improve your command over the > English language.... > > > On 11/24/09, Jay wrote: >> Can someone please read, critique and rank my personal >> statement... I really want to polish it before I submit. >...See More
Nov 24, 2009
Dr. C Too many sentences begin with "I." Also, you need to vary your sentence lengths more. Noticed some spelling errors also.

I personally think you picked a poor feature of your past to write about. Overcoming an anxiety disorder is not exactly something what a school wants to hear about. Anxiety related problems, learning disabilities, addic...See More
Nov 25, 2009

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