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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I teach in a public school and saw a posting at our local community college for a teacher education job. It lists the different classifications and their minimum salary...instructor 36,000, assistant 42,000, associate 46,000. I make nearly 56,000 in my current position and wonder if it would be a significant pay cut for me. I meet all of the position requirements (Masters degree, tchg cert and experience, etc.) How do they determine the rate of pay and the rank? And what are the typical hours of a full-time education associate prof? Thanks.
anon A doctorate is almost always required for professor rank (assistant, associate, full). With a master's, normally the rank is instructor.

On 3/08/10, M wrote: > I teach in a public school and saw a posting at our local > community college for a teacher education job. It lists the > different classifications and their minimum > ...See More
yesterday, 2010
rw Usually you need a PhD to get the assistant and associate professor jobs (though exceptions might be made if you are in a highly desired field). A full-time position that usually requires a Master's Degree is an "instructorship" and often doesn't have any promotion potential, and a tenure-track position that usually requires a PhD can get one an as...See More
Mar 22, 2010

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