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Dear Friends,

America--the U.S. of Money and Materialism--has become all about money. A not-so-great ticket to a Houston Astro baseball game--row eighteen, half way between first base and the right field wall is $39.00. A Coke is $4.50, a bottle of water $4.00, a bag of peanuts is $4.00, and a bottle of beer is $7.50. Parking in the worse parking lot far from the stadium if $15.00. Yet, I have to admit there was a good crowd there...not packed, however.

Next, if you don’t have money, they don’t even want you in church. They might tolerate you, but they don’t want you. Maybe a bit of hyperbole here, but not much. Got money, you can live like the Devil himself, and they love you at church.

Next, no money, no justice. The Judicial System of the United States has become all about money. Sure, the Constitution allows you the presumption of innocence, and you can bond out of jail while awaiting trial; but you had better have lots of money, for ...See More
anne No. Human greed has been with us as long as there has been humans on earth. Would you really want to go back to the 40s
May 28, 2010
Hardy Parkerson, J.D. America--the U.S. of Money and Materialism--has become all about money. A not-so-great ticket to a Houston Astro baseball game--row eleven, half way between first base and the right field wall is $39.00. A Coke is $4.50, a bottle of water $4.00, a bag of peanuts is $4.00, and a bottle of beer is $7.50. Parking in the worse parking lot far from the ...See More
May 30, 2010

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