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I need help. I've switched schools and no longer teach Freshman Comp Dual Credit on an every-other-day regular college schedule. My new school teaches the class as part of its regular school day, which means it meets for an hour every day. My schedule mojo is off in a big way and at the end of week 3 we're all bored.

My plan is to coordinate a schedule that might look something like this (still a work in progress):

Monday: Grammar and discussion of reading assignment with assigned discussion prompts Tuesday: In-class writing activities related to the topic of the moment. Wednesday: Peer review and/or conferences for in-progress papers. I'll need something else here for non-draft weeks. Thursday: Monday redux - grammar review and reading assignment discussion (multiple essays assigned per week). Friday: I Don't know.

After working the 2-3 class meetings per week, five days a week has me feeling as though I just repeat myself. Feedback and suggestions are appr...See More
marjoryt roofreader and Editor Workshop - bring in poorly written materials and have the students rework for specific audiences or reformat (MLA, APA, CMS).

Vocabulary building

More critical reading and note taking skills - these are the most prevalent complaints about freshmen - they have NEITHER of these skills well developed

mo...See More
Sep 1, 2010
Q Thank you for the suggestions. I do have some of the essays for revision and peer review planned, etc. I do like the idea of linguistics.

Do you have a title or two you could recommend? I've done some searches but think I'm not asking the question correctly. Specific lessons on note taking are percolating as well.

I always value y...See More
Sep 4, 2010
marjoryt My own linguistics professors always began with "games" - I think the all the fun was for them, because it seemed we students weren't having any fun.....Today I try to make these very short and easy.

You can start with three or 4 sentences, in which the subjects have many, many adjectives. Get the adjectives out of proper sequence. Ask the...See More
Sep 6, 2010

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