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"Too Many Laws"

The phone's been a-ringin' Off the wall. People with problems Continue to call. "Too many lawyers," I've heard 'em say; But I say, we don't Have enough today. People got problems And serious ones too; Come see the lawyer To learn what to do. Some of 'em even got A few bucks to pay; And when they do, It makes my day. Law books’ becomin' A thing of the past. Wonder how long This thing's gonna last. Just got a call from the F.B.I.; Wants to talk to my client Who ain't gonna lie. I need a break, Just a brief pause. It's not too many lawyers, But too many laws!

You have heard it said that we have too many lawyers. I say we do not have too many lawyers, but too many laws. Napoleon said that since every man is presumed to know the law and ignorance is no excuse for violating the law, that there should be no more laws than would fit in a one volume code that would fit in a man's hip pocket or a woman's purse. Thus the Code Napoleon, which Louisiana adopted ...See More

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