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Law in the Nineties and Such Greed! -by HardyParkerson Copyright, all rights reserved.

Sittin' in a law office Fightin' piles of paper, Decidin' what to work on, Feelin' overwhelmed.

Law is hard to practice; All mixed up with politics. People call for help To get out of their messes.

Oh, how I miss the simplicity Of the old CODE MORROW We had before the Law Explosion In the Seventies and the Eighties!

Then I defended Jury cases on the merits. So the state's witnesses lied! Even then things were better.

The Criminal Justice Revolution came With its prima donnas: Paralegals and legal-eagles. Everybody's entitled to a gig.

Now everyone's a professional; Everbody's an expert. They've carved out more niches Than a bunch of bumble bees.

Fightin' for the money In the Criminal Justice system. A growth industry for sure, And rippin' off the poor.

Guilty of a crime! Thousand dollar fine! But I don't have a dime. I'll just s...See More

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