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Hi I am not sure where to ask this question, but I have a question about English college level essays. I am writing an argumentative paper about student loan forgiveness and I am writing it on the focused topic given should student loans be forgiven. However, while I was writing the paper I realized that this paper isn't like the persuasive papers I wrote last quarter in English, this paper is totally different and the way to write an argumentative paper is one I am unclear about. For instance, I was writing about an article on student loans being forgiven and I wrote,Her article is composites of a series of facts and opinions on weather or not the student loan (deficit)? This is the part I am having problems with because I don't think that Deficit is the right word I am looking for here, and I can't think of the other word for what I am trying to say. the rest of the sentence is below. can anyone help me with this or tell me where I can get help with this please.

should be ...See More
Claire Her > article is (a)composites(composite) of a series of facts and opinions on weather (whether) or not the student loan is(deficit)? (deficit)?

On 1/18/16, saraslucky wrote: > Hi I am not sure where to ask this question, but I have a > question about English college level essays. I am writing an > argumentativ an > argumen...See More
Jan 18, 2016

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