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This chapter made the book for me! I LOVED Larner's work to find out what high school kids remember of strategy instruction and her prodding to discover how it helps them as readers. She shows how metacognitive work is still ever so helpful for older kids. I appreciated the hints (release at the right moment, be passionate about the book--that's so hard for me, LOL, share my connections). Her lesson on inference using Encounter was super and I appreciated her for taking us through it step by step. One of my favorite quotes: "We are engaged when there is something touched inside of us--our common human creativity, the capacity to articulate deeply resonant themes and emotions of life, and an appreciation that is bigger than the sum of our words and our thinking." I really loved reading this chapter and will reread it! Did you read it yet? Skip to it if you must! Judy
Teri On 7/16/11, judy5ca wrote: > This chapter made the book for me! I LOVED Larner's work to > find out what high school kids remember of strategy > instruction and her prodding to discover how it helps them > as readers. She shows how metacognitive work is still ever > so helpful for older kids. I appreciated the hints (release > at ...See More
Jul 17, 2011
judy5ca Teri, I agree with you when you say, "Sometimes I just have to release them and hope I'm not throwing them out of the nest before they're ready to fly." It's really hard to know the exact right time for release--and it just isn't the same for all kids, is it?

Like you, I'm looking forward to Tovani! Are we the only 2 still reading the book...See More
Jul 17, 2011
dc I'm still here, but a little brain dead as I've been in algebra training all day long the past few weeks. So far, I've agreed with everything the two of you had to say and haven't had a lot of NEW to offer. Sorry about that! I'll try to be more proactive and get with it again!
Jul 18, 2011

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