Remedial Reading
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I would love to learn more about the possibilities of using this tecnnology in remedial reading instruction. I hope our schools title 1 program will purchase these. Any advice or ideas would be so helpful.

Thanks, Carol
Christy I'm not really familiar with how they work. How do you think they could help with remedial reading instruction? I'm always interested in ways to engage my students.

On 7/26/09, MSCarol wrote: > I would love to learn more about the possibilities of using this tecnnology in remedial reading instruction. I hope our schools title 1 program...See More
Jul 27, 2009
Jo Sorry, I don't see how this technology will help teach students to read. While it is the latest-and-greatest and can be seen as cool, I see it as a big waste of money and time from much needed direct multi-sensory instruction on the 5 essential components of reading. My advice is don't waste the taxpayer dollars that could be spent on hard copies o...See More
Jul 27, 2009
cc Kindles may cost more initially, but the cost of purchasing books on a Kindle is often less than that of hard copies. So you can preview books before you buy them to make sure they are what you are looking for, get the latest version of a textbook or nonfiction book almost instantly, buy a book that can be used by a whole guided reading group inste...See More
Aug 12, 2009
Jo Responses in line...

On 8/12/09, cc wrote: > Kindles may cost more initially, but the cost of purchasing books > on a Kindle is often less than that of hard copies.

This is often not the case for non-fiction books or research type books. While I agree, it is the case for many fiction books.

>So you can > prev...See More
Aug 18, 2009
j.e. I love my kindle. HOwever, I don't see that it would be useful in the classroom in general. It is difficult to page back-and-forth, look at tables of contents or the index when reading, etc. I think there are other options like audio books that might be better for kids having difficulty reading (older kids).

On 8/18/09, Jo wrote: > Res...See More
Aug 18, 2009

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