Remedial Reading
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What are most people using to assess reading levels? We use the DRA but our district won't allow it as information in the RTI process.
KC On 11/22/09, Martha Farrell wrote: > What are most people using to assess reading levels? We use > the DRA but our district won't allow it as information in > the RTI process.

We use DIBELS to assess if students are intensive or strategic. We also use MAP scores for students who are in second grade and above. As for an exact readi...See More
Nov 30, 2009
Mark Pennington I guess the most pertinent question to address yours would be, "Why do you want to know your students' reading levels?" If the answer is to match to, say Reading Recovery or lexile levels, maybe the levels would be relevant. This being said, reading levels are a rather squishy issue in reading circles. Readability formulas do not account for prior ...See More
Dec 23, 2009

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