Remedial Reading
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Our school is being required to have remedial reading and math classes next year (40-60% of students are below standard in one or both area). Does anyone have examples of good programs/schedules that work? We're looking at class sizes of 30+ in each remedial class, being taught by regular ed teachers with little to no training (and quite a large portion of our staff has true disdain for students below standard) and no curriculum at this point. It's been promised...but we all know how that goes!

Any resources or ideas of things that work really well and things to avoid at all costs would be SO helpful! We're scheduling for next year now and I'd like to get some input in before things are set. :) Thanks!
Joanne Your school should be able to qualify for Title 1 Funds. Hire an experienced reading teacher and develop a reading center where students may be pulled out of their LA classes for specific targeted remedial instruction. Classes of 30 would be ridiculous.

On 3/02/10, Andrea wrote: > Our school is being required to have remedial reading a...See More
Mar 2, 2010
Mr. A It depends on the way in which the kids are "below" standard.

If it's defined by grades, then the grading policies need a thorough look.

On 3/02/10, Joanne wrote: > Your school should be able to qualify for Title 1 Funds. > Hire an experienced reading teacher and develop a reading > center where students may be pulled out...See More
Mar 3, 2010
Mark Pennington I've blogged on this at [link removed]
Mar 5, 2010
Christina As a twenty year veteran with a Master's in Reading and Literacy I can tell you that what you have just proposed WILL NOT WORK! For every child below level in reading there may be different problems-visual perception, phonemic awareness phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, etc. To have success, students would have to be grouped by areas of need. The...See More
Mar 6, 2010

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