Remedial Reading
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Hello! Can anyone tell me what DRA2 level their 6th graders need to be tested until? or 5th graders need to pass an independent 50 (fiction and non). I would assume that 6th grade needs to pass the 60. Is this accurate? AND is their any documentation out there that states this? I live in CT.....maybe it is in the state guidelines, perhaps???

Thanks, Tricia
Nicole If you e-mail me, I'll send you the proficiency standards for the DRA2. It is an easy to read table that I use to determine whether a student is competent at a certain level or needs to take the next lower level test.

Nicole Reading Specialist
May 15, 2010
Christine Rizzo On 5/15/10, Nicole wrote: > If you e-mail me, I'll send you the proficiency standards for > the DRA2. It is an easy to read table that I use to > determine whether a student is competent at a certain level > or needs to take the next lower level test. > > Nicole > Reading Specialist I am going on an interview for a literacy spe...See More
Jun 1, 2010
PO Does your district provide the DRA2 folders for tracking each student's progress? If so, the charts on the back cover of the folders will indicate what levels are appropriate for each grade.
Jan 19, 2011

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