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Hello! I am a student teacher and I would like to have some kind of character like Elf on the Shelf to help motivate my students daily. However, I do not want to use Elf on the Shelf....Is there any other kind of stuffed animal with some kind of book that I can use to go along with this general theme???? Any help would greatly be appreciated. Please email me your response. thanks so much in advance.
KathyB I am not familiar with Elf on the Shelf, so my suggestion might not work for you. But, I am going to go out on a limb and share some suggestions. If I am on the wrong track, please forgive me. Hopefully, others will respond with something that WILL work!

I am recently retired and sold most of my books, but one of my favorite CHARACTER book...See More
Feb 14, 2012
Leah You might want to check out the Kelly Bear books
Feb 25, 2012

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