Second Grade
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We are being asked to keep a data binder/journal with our second graders. Does anyone do this? What kind of datat/graphs do you keep in it? Thanks for your help.
Deb I keep my Fountas and Pinnell benchmark information in one spot. We also have a form that we use to record writing rubrics, etc. Also, checklists for 100 Words ( reading and writing them). We are being asked to do more data collection this year...I hope I can keep it all organized. One year I started out with the largest binder Staples had, I neede...See More
Aug 21, 2012
Leanne/CA I have their AR/DRA information, their classroom grades, a parent communication log, and the checklist the parents fill out at the beginning of the year. Any behavior slips, etc., I add to it throughout the year. Our assessment data is computerized, so technically I shouldn't have to keep it, but I don't always trust that the computer will be worki...See More
Aug 25, 2012

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