2. Should it be taught sepa...See MoreI am trying to find a Social Studies teacher who could answer a couple of questions for me. I am currently in school and I have an essay due and it needs to include questions. Ages taught 6-9.
1. How much time should be focused on teaching S.S. and does not interfere with other state mandated curricula?
2. Should it be taught separate for younger students and aligned with literacy?
3. What kind of sequence would be appropriate and should it be used daily?
4. What are the most important lessons that should be covered and why?
"The last time I checked, a web search for the phrases 'everyone gets a trophy' and 'trophies just for showing up' produced more than 700,000 hits. The links mostly point to expressions of outrage that a thanks-for-playing token might be given to all the kids on the field — in contrast to the good old days, when recognition was permitted only for the conquering heroes. That’s a lot of hating to be directed at loving cups..."
Click below...you might be surprised at what Kohn has to say about this facet of the myth of the spoiled child.