Social Studies
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    During this broadcast, our first president and two members of his cabinet discuss and debate the ways and means of financing the government of our fledgling nation. This free program will be broadcast via satellite and the Internet.
    Does anyone have activities for teaching three brnaches of gov.'t and all the other govt things we need to do in GA?
    Sara On 10/01/11, krayray wrote: > Does anyone have activities for teaching three brnaches of > gov.'t and all the other govt things we need to do in GA?

    I declare some of my students to be on the Supreme Court. I declare others to have been elected to Congress. And I choose a President (that's often not easy)

    And then I put the ...See More
    Oct 5, 2011
    I know that following the models of differentiation may be hard in the classroom because of time contraiants. What are some of the easiest ways to differentiate instruction within the classrom while being the most beneficial to students?
    I wanted to share something that has been great for me as a someone who teaches government. I'm currently using a program called "Lessons on American Government" (reproducible lessons published by Learning Center USA) in my classes. It has been a tremendous help. You can use these materials exclusively throughout the year, or you can mix in the les...See More
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    Erik S. If you're looking for eBooks with activities & worksheets for history/government, GoEd Online has many to choose from that are much more affordable.

    [link removed]

    On 10/26/11, Joseph wrote: > I wanted to share something that has been great for me as a > someone who teaches government. I'm currently using a > program ...See More
    Jan 13, 2012
    Joseph Sorry I did not see your post until now. As far as what kinds of activities are's hard for me to describe because there are so many different ones and there's nothing I can think of to really compare them to. Many of the lessons are great at involving the class in a group activity. There are fun contests and games that you can do with...See More
    Jan 25, 2012
    OK my 7th grade students do History Day. This year the theme is Revolution, Reform, and Reaction. I am doing pretty good at helping students fit the topics that they want to study with this year's theme, however I cam coming up blank on WW2 and I have about 12 students who want to do this topic. I did come up with one idea for the Holocaust, which ...See More
    Sara On 11/02/11, Revolution, Reaction and Reform wrote: > OK my 7th grade students do History Day. This year the > theme is Revolution, Reform, and Reaction. I am doing > pretty good at helping students fit the topics that they > want to study with this year's theme, however I cam coming > up blank on WW2 and I have about 12 students who...See More
    Nov 3, 2011
    RRR On 11/03/11, Sara wrote: > On 11/02/11, Revolution, Reaction and Reform wrote: >> OK my 7th grade students do History Day. This year the >> theme is Revolution, Reform, and Reaction. I am doing >> pretty good at helping students fit the topics that they >> want to study with this year's theme, however I cam coming >>...See More
    Nov 3, 2011
    I teach general level 11th grade American history, and the majority of my student are reading below grade level and are happy if they make a D-.

    I love my subject and try my best to make it relevant and interesting.

    I'm required to stick to the state pacing guide and comprehensive curriculum and don't have much leeway to add in ...See More
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    Jo Not one person here accused you of just doing bookwork all class and sending them home to study. No one accused you of making tricky questions.

    However, it seems you solved your problem by history teacher's suggestion. Have your "study" session in class instead of them doing it at home since the only thing missing is them studying at home...See More
    Nov 9, 2011
    GW @ Mpachank LOVE YOUR POST!!! I can tell you love your job. My hat is off to you. As a teacher and a parent of a LD student, thank you for your concern. It means alot to the students. I really wish that more teachers would try to understand that for these kids, many do not try for fear of failure and frustration.

    On 11/07/11, depression and discourag...See More
    Dec 14, 2011
    I'm looking for indepedent project ideas dealing with British North America for students in grade 7 history. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    brachhus Their interactions with the native americans. Bond servants/indentured servants slavery in the british colonies

    On 11/14/11, Minh Huynh wrote: > I'm looking for indepedent project ideas dealing with > British North America for students in grade 7 history. Any > suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Nov 15, 2011
    Hello everyone,

    I'm currently working on completing my Master of Education (K-12 Social Studies) at Xavier University.

    For my research project, I am studying the use and effectiveness of simulations (i.e. role-playing activities, games, and the use of digital or computer simulations) in the Social Studies classroom for grades 7-...See More
    Hi all,

    I am thinking of moving to a layered curriculum but am not sure.

    Are any of using it now and if so, or not, any thoughts on why?


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    Bulldog back to Joe Sorry I haven't been around for a few. It depends on the actual unit, but we usually have two or three assignments. We look at the degree of difficulty on the assignments as well as the estimated time it would take for the student to complete each layer.

    Hope this helps.


    On 11/22/11, Joe/HS/CT wrote: > I am u...See More
    Dec 1, 2011
    sonya I was just doing some research for a new unit on Maus and came across this discussion. First, let me say that I teach all girls in a residential facility, English, grades 8-12. Abilities are literally from one end of the spectrum to the other. I needed a new approach. I first used layered curriculum this year. As we all know, every student is diffe...See More
    Dec 28, 2011
    HI, These are full history lessons that come with lesson plans, audio, visual etc. I am at degree level for ICT so these are very flashy and cool!

    Please check them out (along with my free stuff) at

    [link removed]

    (Even though I am from Bristol, UK, these are very very suitable and very cool! - see the topics tab for m...See More

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