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I will be starting a unit on the American Revolution and I would like to incorporate a student journal into my plans. Any ideas for how to organize this? I have 42 minute classes and I thought that I would have students respond to 5 events leading up to the Revolution and 5 events during the Revolution and 5 events afterwards. Any creative or organizational ideas would be great!!! Thanks.
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Bulldog - back to Lynde Basically, it's a kind of a "day in the life of..." For instance, imagine what was on the Day-Timer for Leonidas at the Battle of Thermopylae... 8a - Eat breakfast 830a - Sharpen sword, shine armor 915a - Encourage the troops 945a - Taunt the Persians 10a - Launch attack 11a - Die a horrific death at the hands of the Immortals This is a goofy examp...See More
Dec 20, 2010
Lynde Thanks for the idea! Sounds great. I think my kids might enjoy this one, and I can see how it might help them to process, and certainly to reinforce. Thanks.

On 12/20/10, Bulldog - back to Lynde wrote: > Basically, it's a kind of a "day in the life of..." For instance, > imagine what was on the Day-Timer for Leonidas at the Battle of...See More
Dec 20, 2010
Matthew I have found it helpful when doing activities like these to force organization on my students. What that possibly looks like it is creating a packet of paper for your students. I'm not sure what age you are teaching but mine tend to lose a single paper. If I ask them to get out a journal entry they made 10 days ago the chances are it won't be found...See More
Jan 20, 2011
Ahhhrats Several years ago a teacher I was working with shared with me some materials from HistoryAlive. They suggested using a journal that is a 70 page spiral notebook. If you use it as they recommend, students do not remove any of the pages from the notebook. They number them and then create a table of contents in the back so that they can access the mat...See More
Jan 21, 2011
curiositycat We use Interactive Student Notebooks (like Ahhhrats described) in my eighth-grade U.S. history class everyday. The kids filled out a survey at the end of the first semester, and many said that the ISNs are their favorite element of the class. Simply google the term, and you'll find sites on how to set them up. History Alive! has one that you can or...See More
Jan 23, 2011

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