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Hello, I am a first year grade 8 teacher (I teach English, math, science, social studies, art) for the same group of kids.I really want my kids to have more fun with their learning but its hard to balance my time to plan great activities and to cover material. They are lower level --problems reading for example. Another issue is a lack of materials. Also is a lack of technology.

Due to an illness we have been off for 4 weeks plus 2 weeks for Christmas vacation. Which kills me in terms of curriculum.

We had just started looking at migration and land bridge theory.

Any ideas how to jazz it up?

Next is First Nations groups (I have a lot of dry pages and not a lot of activities or questions yet), then we will do the Ancient Greeks and Ancient Egypt in which I just bought two good books at a teacher supply book which should be helpful. Then I think we have to do the Middle Ages- got some materials.

I was thinking of possibly doing a computer-bas...See More
Lynde Hi, me again. As I said earlier post, I too teach on a reservation here in the states. So, I'm teaching the same history you are. Just a few possibilities to suggest.

1. Our students are completely uninterested in learning about any tribal-nation excdept for their own. So, over the years, I've learned the hard way to begin with THEM. Focus...See More
Dec 21, 2010
Kev I've got a ton of generic history assignments that can apply to just about any topic on my website.

They are high interest and built around the idea of multiple intelligences. I've used them with gifted kids as well as non-English speakers and they have worked well with all of them. Feel free to take as desired.
Dec 29, 2010

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