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Thinking About Welcoming a High School AFS Exchange Student?

Now's the time! Sharing daily life with a teenager from another country and culture is a rich and rewarding experience, and it's a wonderful way to bring more understanding into the world. If you've ever thought about welcoming an exchange student into your home and family, now's the time to learn more. AFS, the leading international high school student exchange program, needs families in our community to host high school students for an academic year or six months.New AFS high school exchange students arrive in August and leave at the end of June.. Applications are already arriving in our regional offices for the fall of 2011.

All kinds of families can host—two-parent households with young children or teenagers, single-parent families, families with adopted children, foster parents, as well as couples and single people who do not have children or who have grown children. One of the most important charact...See More

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