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I am a student teacher and I am being observed this monday on a less for immigration. The class is a self-contained fifth grade special education class of eight student. What is an interactive activity I could incorporate into the lesson. My observing professor is going to want to see a literature connection, a DBQ and use of a map is a must. Although the class has no map. I am going to come in to class in an outifit depicting a Russian immigrant from long ago and ask in Russian is this America while pointing to a large picture of the statue of liberty. I have three books but they are all quite lengthy and I wont have the time to read the whole book. I must include a small group or a cooperative learning activity. I have too many ideas and I am not sure which route to go.
Bev-MI On 2/22/11, Colleen Sabo wrote: > I am a student teacher and I am being observed this monday > on a less for immigration. The class is a self-contained > fifth grade special education class of eight student. What > is an interactive activity I could incorporate into the > lesson. My observing professor is going to want to see a > ...See More
Feb 22, 2011
Sara On 2/22/11, Colleen Sabo wrote:

I would warn my students ahead of time that I'm coming in costume - you want them to be inviting of your immigrant character, not taken aback and surprised.

And be prepared to switch quickly into English - students can fall to giggling when they hear a language they don't understand.

It's ...See More
Feb 23, 2011

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