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Hi everyone,

I am currently a S.S. 7-12 Education Major, and was hoping to get some feedback from High School level teachers and what they expect from their student teachers. I would greatly appreciate any comments on what you as a professionals wish to see in upcoming S.S. teachers, which you feel present day student teachers fail to acquire.

Thank you

Kev I personally wanted to see two things that were very contrary to one another. First, I wanted to see that my student teacher could develop her own lessons independently without relying much on the textbook. Then I wanted to see what she could do with my lessons. More accurately, I wanted her to see what she could do with my lessons. She realized qu...See More
Mar 21, 2011
TeachLikeYoda Hi Sarah,

Although I teach middle school, I feel that similar qualities are necessary for student-teacher success at both levels. I have also mentored many new and prospective teachers. Hopefully, I can help answer your question.

First, it's important that you work with a teacher that shares similar educational philosophies and te...See More
Apr 2, 2011

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