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Next year I've decided to really focus in on skills as opposed to trivial facts with my history classes. I've always tried to do this but in really evaluating myself I still have tilted toward to the "make sure they know stuff" side of things instead of the "make sure they know how to know stuff" side.

So, I'm trying to make a list of skills a historian uses or should have. I'm trying to keep them to one-word titles for simplicity's sake. On each assignment we do I want to be able to point out which of these skills are required or will be built up by it.

So far I have: Research (looking stuff up) Analysis (interpreting information) Technology (using a computer to retrieve or present findings) Recreate (use art to remake past events or objects) Empathy (put yourself in another person's shoes)

What else might one add?
History Teacher br> > So far I have:

I'd want to say that 'research' for historians isn't - looking stuff up. Historians do real research just like scientists except that historians work primarily with documents and scientistis work with beakers and vials and bunsen burners. History is a matter of interpretation and changing interpretation at that a...See More
Jun 12, 2011
tracy On 6/11/11, Kev wrote: > Next year I've decided to really focus in on skills as > opposed to trivial facts with my history classes. I've > always tried to do this but in really evaluating myself I > still have tilted toward to the "make sure they know stuff" > side of things instead of the "make sure they know how to > know stuff"...See More
Jun 22, 2011
TeachLikeYoda All of the above are certainly essential.

But who cares if students know how to research if they cannot recognize and distill bias? Facts vs. opinions, Venn Diagrams, structured classroom debates/socratic seminars, and knowing the pros and cons of primary and secondary sources are all paramount here.

Historiography, basically. In ...See More
Jul 10, 2011
Joe/HS/CT 2nd year teachers in Connecticut used to have to submit teaching portfolios to the state which would be evaluated and ultimately lead to the next level of teacher certification. I used to evaluate the social studies portfolios, which were supposed to be designed around "essential social studies skills." Here is the list of skills from the CT SDE we...See More
Jul 11, 2011
Kev Interesting. While I'd agree those are all imporant I see them all as a component of analysis (and arguably writing). I'll definitely see how I can incorporate them into that idea.

As far as the "moral component" of the facts, I'm sorry but that is nonsense. Perhaps in a non-political world that might be true but in my world most of the fa...See More
Jul 12, 2011

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