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I'm a college student currently majoring in history, and I am highly considering a career in social studies education. At my college to obtain certification, I can either get an undergraduate degree in Social Studies Education, or I can get an undergraduate degree in history and receive a master's in Education, both over the span of five years. There are advantages and disadvantages to each, and I'm trying to figure out which one would be the wiser decision. If I got the undergraduate SS Education degree, I would have basically no free credits, but I could come out ready to work in four years. If I went the five-year program route, I'd have a master's and the ability to take coursework beyond history during my undergraduate time. This could increase my appeal as a candidate, as I hope to take coursework in Spanish, which is very applicable in education. I also am looking to minor in English, which would place me well on my way to perhaps someday going back to college for an English Edu...See More
just a social studies teacher On 12/04/11, Celia wrote:

Without reservation I'd tell you to do the five years and come out with an M.A. in education and a minor in history and as much Spanish as you can take.

You are more likely to get work with an M.A. in education than you are with a B.A. in Social Studies education. That M.A. in education can be applied mor...See More
Dec 5, 2011
Reality As an insider, let me just throw out some other things for consideration. RE: the master's degree. The current mood in education among the politicians who determine our salaries is that an M.Ed or M.A. is worthless. They claim to have " research" showing it does not make a teacher" any better". They are using this to justify hiring CHEAPER bodies t...See More
Dec 5, 2011
Rubyt Taking extra coursework in Spanish would greatly benefit you! Especially if you ever plan on moving to bigger cities or more diverse states like California. There are so many Spanish speaking students and families in the education system that you will probably get hired over another candidate who does not speak Spanish.

I am currently in ...See More
Feb 22, 2012

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