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In his article "Trophy Fury - What's Behind Claims that Kids Are Coddled and Over-celebrated?" Alfie Kohn writes:

"The last time I checked, a web search for the phrases 'everyone gets a trophy' and 'trophies just for showing up' produced more than 700,000 hits. The links mostly point to expressions of outrage that a thanks-for-playing token might be given to all the kids on the field — in contrast to the good old days, when recognition was permitted only for the conquering heroes. That’s a lot of hating to be directed at loving cups..."

Click might be surprised at what Kohn has to say about this facet of the myth of the spoiled child.
Jake I absolutely disagree with just about everything I just read. Obviously, the issue of getting a trophy for losing alone is not that big of a deal. It is a reflection of how society has changed though. Everyone feels "entitled" to things. I'm sure we have all seen overly spoiled kids grow up and have trouble in life. I now I have seen plenty despite...See More
Jul 30, 2014

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