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Hi. I'm just wondering how I can effectively let the kids
have time to practice their keyboarding skills and at the
same time have enough time to teach them how to use
Microsoft office, the internet, let them work on projects
etc? Do the kids practice their KB every time they come
in for 10-15 min or they just do it for a quarter?
Another question... There are free keyboarding games and
exercises online, so do I really need to purchase a typing

BTW I teach computer from K-8. Each class comes in once a
week for 40 min.

Cheryl /blockquote>

I have the classes use Type To Learn 3 for the first 10 or
15 minutes and then we do the lesson. The kids know the
routine and although they hate keyboarding they know it is
expected each time they come to lab.I also use keyboard
covers to encourage correct usage of homekeys.
Aug 5, 2006
DSW /blockquote>

I am in a very similiar situation. I use have used Typing
Master and Type to Learn since beginning as the computer
teacher. This year I found Dance Mat Typing, this free
program is used in the United Kingdom and is wonderful. I
have third graders typing wonderfully. The students enjoy
it so much t...See More
Jan 31, 2007

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