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Does anyone have some good ideas for kindergarten computer
programs (Mac OSX)? Thank you!
Jenny /blockquote>

We use the newest Kid Pix 4. ..and Mozilla, Mighty Math
Carnival Countdown, and Zoo Zillians.

We also have Bailey's Bookhouse, Sammy's Sciencehouse,
The Graph club that switches to the 9 version on our computers.

On 8/08/06, bcsd wrote:
> Does anyone have some good ideas for kindergarten compu...See More
Sep 26, 2006
Matthew /blockquote>

I work for Essential Skills. We develop early reading and math
programs for K-6. We offer a number of Kindergarten level
programs that are fully compatible with OSX. A few of our
Kindergarten titles include, Phonemic Awareness, Super Phonics,
Sight Words, Mastering Numeration and Measurement. You can
receive ...See More
Dec 29, 2006

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