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I need some suggestions for appropriate software to support
the kindergarten curriculum to be used with kindergarten
students both at school and at home. HELP! I tried googling
and that wasn't very helpful at all.

Thanks in advance.
Rick Sandred /blockquote>


I am currently using a sight words reading program with my
kindergarten class (Our first grade teacher is also using
it). The website is [link removed].

Hope this helps,
Nov 11, 2006
Leo Coyle /blockquote>

I took a look at the website suggested by Rick
( and found it to be exactly what I
was looking for as a supplement to my reading program. I
would second what Rick says about children using it in both
the classroom and at home. However, I would note that this is
more the case for ...See More
Dec 3, 2006
John /blockquote>

Have you looked at the Lightspan Achieve Now program? It runs
on any sony playstation so the kids don't have to have
computers or internet at home. It has a bunch of CD's with
educational games on them. Our school bought a bunch of
playstations for the kids that don't have them at home and we
have parent...See More
Feb 27, 2007

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