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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Howdy Folks
As some of you may know, I work for an educational software
company. We develop supplemental reading/language arts and
math programs for K-6, as well as for older remedial
students. We also have a series of assessment programs for
language arts and several high-low reading programs for
remedial reading students up to grade 10. We are currently
working on a series of elementary science programs along
with a few titles for ELD students. We are always looking
for new program suggestions and ideas. Are there any areas
where you see a need and would like to see something
developed? Please feel free to provide your suggestions for
consideration. Please keep in mind that as of yet we are not
able to create a program that makes your student's pay
attention to you, extends recess by 5 minutes or
automatically writes report cards:)

Teacher Chatboards


Subject Areas

Language Arts

Foreign Language