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Okay, this is my first fall with Kdg in the Lab setting.
Granted this is only our 2nd week back but I feel totally
without skills/knowledge regarding our Kdg. Classes run
about 20 and the lab has 24 cpu's. One day in our
specials rotation, we have one Kdg split between the other
two so that the three teachers can have a planning time
together. So that means about 28-30 Kindergartens at once
and most do not have any computer skills at all (low
income area).

Any ideas and suggestions regarding how to get these
little guys up and running quickly would be greatly
appreciated. Their random clicking errors are driving me
JLee /blockquote>

Have them practice their mouse skills with Sand Art
On 8/21/07, ComputerGal wrote:
> Okay, this is my first fall with Kdg in the Lab setting.
> Granted this is only our 2nd week back but I feel totally
> without skills/knowledge regarding our Kdg. Classes run
> about 20 and the lab has 24 cpu'...See More
Aug 22, 2007
CTJS /blockquote>

I would definitely start with mouse skills. You could teach
them which hand is their "mouse hand" by putting a sticker
on it. You could also put a sticker on the nail of
their "mouse finger." Have them raise their "mouse hands"
and practice clicking their "mouse finger" as a group (not
at the computers.)...See More
Aug 24, 2007
East End Long Islanders /blockquote>

Do you sit with the on the rug first, with an overhead TV
connected to a computer to show them what you are teaching them
BEFORE you let them go to the actual PC's? That works better,
to calm them, let them SEE what's going on, and THEN let them
sit at a PC. Teach them how to long on, sign off, sit straight,...See More
Aug 30, 2007
ComputerGal /blockquote>

Well this week has gone better. I do have a few splitters
for the day we have a class and a half. I have been using
Bailey's Bookhouse and Trudy's Time and Place since they do
not need to sign-in to either of them. I may try Starfall
next but will need to have it up and ready to go when they
get there. I...See More
Aug 31, 2007
Collins /blockquote>

I am also having a difficult time with my kindergarten
classes. Each day I scrap my lesson and end up having a
different one for each kindergarten class. I am going back
to the basics of mouse and keyboarding skill. I am going to
start a program called KinderKeys that a neighboring county
created--so we'...See More
Oct 3, 2007

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