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We keep hearing about how there needs to be more technology in the schools. The new stimulus package should bring a lot more computers and other tech goodies to schools. That's good.

My problem is, in getting all this technology, do we have the proper software to run it for schools properly? What's the point in having this technology if we don't use it correctly (It's like being given a Ferrari but not the keys.)?

Is it possible to create a platform where everyone and everything is connected?

Is it a pipe dream to talk about a paperless classroom?

I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Paul On 2/18/09, Mike wrote: > Is it possible to create a platform where everyone and > everything is connected?

Sure it's possible, but generally not profitable for companies. If you want it to happen, you'll need to show them how they can make money at it.
Mar 3, 2009

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