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I was just wondering if there were any schools that have used Study Island for a significant amount of time and what were their thoughts on this. My administrator asked me to take a look at it to see if it is something that could help our school but I am always weary of sites like this. I prefer something that isn't so "test based" but I don't want my bias to get in the way so I decided to ask around and form an honest opinion on it. Here is the link:

[link removed]

Thank you, Eric

PS. I'm going to post this in various parts on the site so I can get more teacher/administrator response.
Teacher We have used Study Island for two or three years now. As far as its effectiveness, I can't say. It loosely aligns with our state standards (Kansas) but we just use it as a supplemental game. The kids love it so after they have mastered a skill, then they are rewarded by getting to play the game that corresponds with that skill. It doesn't "teach" a...See More
Aug 12, 2010
Carolina Mom I teach in a NC public middle school (8th grade); my teammate teaches math and uses Study Island religiously. Her scores last year were 92% on grade level. I guess it depends on usage-she had 3 reg. classes and one advanced.

On 8/12/10, Teacher wrote: > We have used Study Island for two or three years now. As far > as its effectivene...See More
Sep 17, 2010

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