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I have a class set of iPads. My administrators want us to begin thinking about going as paperless as possible! Any ideas? What do you use to put PDF files on your iPads? And what do you use to annotate?

I'm also looking for great projects that cover the third grade curriculum, yet are on the iPad totally. I don't know about any of you, but I'm extremely frustrated that the iPads don't run FLASH applications. That means there are many webquest, etc., that won't run on the iPads. Ugh! Frustrating!

I'm eager to hear of your best practices using the iPad@
Sra p i'm new at this, just got my ipad last month. We are using this App to open documents (PDF and others): GoodReader. students can write on your document, even email it to you.

On 6/12/11, Witsman4 wrote: > I have a class set of iPads. My administrators want us to > begin thinking about going as paperless as possible! Any > ideas? ...See More
Jul 5, 2011

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