MauraWe have used Asi Se Dice for 7 years. We are generally pleased with levels 1-3. Level four has a much different format and is fairly dense We no longer use it for our college prep classes. Also, the online resources are not available for our French colleagues Finally the customer support was mediocre.
Does anyone have or use some good rubrics for all levels of Spanish - I, II, III, IV, V - both speaking and writing. I am new to this, and many rubrics come with the textbook series, but many of them are "lame." Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I will be teaching Spanish 1 next year for the first time, and I don't know how to make students talk in Spanish. Do I have to incorporate some kind of reward program?
I use the chart so they can have confidence they won't pronounce words incorrectly. No one wants to look like a fool.
I use the chart so they can spell. It saves hours of hassles later on. That also gets their attention. For those who don't want to be there, the thought that anything will make the class less painful is appealing.
Finally they need to understand the point of taking a modern language is to talk to people. I tell them there are other teachers who don't care as much about that. I'm not one of them. Some decide not to take Spanish with me after hearing that. They go to another teacher or take a different language.
Would anyone who teachers 4 preps have some ideas to share on how to keep organized next year? I'm concerned that I will spend all of my free time updating Google Classroom for 4 preps and keeping my boards updated rather than using my planning time for lesson planning. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
SI'm in the same boat as you are. I am going to be the only HS Spanish Teacher next year. Spanish 2, 3, 4, 5. I haven't taught 2 in 8 years and level 3 in 18. I'm not even really sure what I should be covering in each level.
Have any of you used a Project Based Learning (PBL) assessment in your classroom? We are being encouraged to create a PBL assessment, but I have not found ANY language examples for World Language instructors when I visit PBL sites.
Any good "driving questions" you have asked to your students?
Stage 1 Fluency Example: The Menu Project In this project, students play the role of a restaurant owner who needs to develop and create a menu for his/her restaurant established in one of the target language countries of the world. Their menus must have at least five categories, and twenty-five items, all authentic dishes of the target culture of their choice within the Francophone world. They must decide on an appropriate name, create an address, phone number, website and twitter account name, consistent with examples they find on-line from authentic restaurants of the target culture. Their menu items must be priced in the local currency, converted in an appropriate manner for the target culture. The students then do a speech either in small groups or for the whole class in which they speak to the group as the restaurant owner, suggesting good dishes, specialty items, etc. They must say at least 15 sentences, and can either present live or on video. I have a rubric for the menu and one for the speech, and am looking for Stage 1 fluency, namely, formulaic language (memorized chunks of discourse combined with lists of works). I find that the kids learn a lot about a country of their choice, while having fun being creative!
Stage 2 Fluency Example: The Children's Story Book We refer to stage two fluency as created language. The premise here is that students take the formulae that they have learned so well in stage one, and combine them together into their own created sentences. These statements no longer sound like memorized sound bites given back in the same formula, but rather in individualized, self directed expressions of thoughts and ideas. The sentences are frequently complex, but do not contain subordinate clauses of the kind requiring specialized verb forms. They also do not necessarily have to be strung together in a particular order to make sense - if we were to reorder them, they would make just as much sense in the new order. In other words, these are lists of sentences, but the order of the lists are not significant.
I have developed a project to measure this stage of fluency which I call the Story Book project. Students create a set of characters who live in one of the target language countries. They write the story as if the main character were describing his life when he was five years old (which requires the imperfect tense in French). The students then describe a big event which occurred in the life of the character, such as his first day of school, and then the things which happened in that day (requiring the use of the passe compose in French). They need to research what a child's life is like in the target culture and create an authentic and visually rich situation for the story's setting. I usually ask students to write about 5 sentences per page, and about ten pages total. They do rough drafts and peer editing. I also look at the drafts and highlight what is correct, and make some suggestions for corrections. The editing process is a learning experience of its own.
As students write their stories, they cannot help but compare their own lives with those of the characters they have created. The compare and contrast paradigme creates a good context for created language. It also allows students to try out their knowledge of how to narrate in past time frames, and demonstrate that they know how to use the various past tenses typical of the second year language curriculum. We often find that students reach what we call "linguistic breakdown" as they use various verb forms, but they do not necessarily do so at the syntactic level. They are able to make the sentence structures fit together well, even when their verb forms are not always correct. Frankly, I think this is great! When my focus is on the fluency stage, and not on distinct verb forms, I find that my students are actually progressing very well in their journey toward language acquisition. In time, they will perfect their use of verb forms, but in the meantime, they are clearly able to communicate at a higher level of fluency even if their accuracy is not yet up to par. We do want accuracy, of course, but in terms of fluency, this is a lesser problem for communication than is the sentence structure.
Stage 3 Fluency Example: The ABC Book Project In stage three fluency, the text type I am aiming for is planned language, ie, paragraphing, in which there is a topic sentence, supported by concrete details and commentary, and a concluding sentence to sum up the important ideas. In French, this requires that students know how to create complex sentences, using main and subordinate clauses, requiring the subjunctive, or "if/then" type sentences, requiring imperfect/conditional tenses, among others (other languages may require knowledge of other paradigms as well). I have done this project over the course of a whole semester, breaking it down in smaller parts over time, and with the focus being Quebec. We study many different aspects of Quebecois culture: short stories, poems, song lyrics, historical texts, current events... The students do smaller projects along the way, but as a result of their inquiry, they write a page on each topic of their choice. I have them write 20 pages, one for each of 20 letters of the alphabet, according to their choice. An example page might look like this in English:
Q is for Quebec City (title sentence). Quebec is the capital city of the province of Quebec, and sits on a bluff overlooking the Saint Lawrence River (topic sentence). It seems to me that the people of Quebec have much for which they may be proud (detail). It is necessary that they invest wisely in the maintenance of their historical monuments, because it preserves the diversity of their historical heritage (commentary). If I were to visit Quebec, I would want to look out over the Saint Lawrence from the Terasse Dufferein so I could enjoy the beautiful view of the river and of the Ile d'Orleans (commentary). If I went to Quebec in winter, I would go during the Carnaval so I could participate in the many activities (commentary). It is interesting that the local accent is different in Quebec than in France. (commentary). If I go to Quebec, I will practice speaking French with the local people and hope that I will be able to understand their accent without any problems (conclusion)."
This is a fair amount of work for one page, let alone twenty, so I provide a page template for students to use to be sure they keep on track. I have them do rough drafts of each page. When they turn in the drafts, I highlight what is correct and return the pages. The students may resubmit the pages with corrections until they have perfected their work. In this way, I am reinforcing their own editing process, and helping them to focus on the details they might otherwise overlook. This project has proven to be great fun, and I have found that by the end of the semester, they have mastered complex sentences and paragraphing quite well.
I'm interested in using an interactive notebook for next year for Spanish 2. We use Realidades. Any suggestions, comments or helpful website are greatly appreciated.
srhinehardtI also want to start interactive notebooks with my 8th graders Spanish 1. We have Realidades as well, but are encouraged not to use it much. I've been looking on Spanish Mama and Island Teacher blogs for info on how to get started!
Our district just purchased the VOCES Digital Novice program and I was given the task of teaching it to special needs students in the fall. Does anyone have any experience using this program? I appreciate your feedback.