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This is perfect timing. My students from last seemed to be motivated by nothing. I can't wait to read all of the great ideas. It's great because now that summer is here, I have more time to read about and think about implementing some of these for my students next year.
Amanda On 6/13/11, sherry 3 sc wrote: > This is perfect timing. My students from last seemed to be > motivated by nothing. I can't wait to read all of the great > ideas. It's great because now that summer is here, I have > more time to read about and think about implementing some > of these for my students next year.

Do you mean th...See More
Jun 13, 2011
Katie I teach a middle school self-contained classroom. I have the same problems. I've tried many techniques (lots of extrinsic rewards..hoping it would turn to intrinsic as I faded them out). I recently read "Motivating Students Who Don't Care" by Allen N. Mendler. There were some good tips. I recommend reading that book. If you don't get anything out o...See More
Jun 13, 2011

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