Student Teaching
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I need some suggestions on how to light a fire under my student teacher. I teach in a middle school resource room for reading, English and math. He is very sports minded so I suggested a theme of the olympics, gave him a list of web sites, newspaper articles that the could use, resources, and he even said that would be something he likes. I have yet to see anything from him relating to this nor have I seen any motivation to do anything on his own. If you were him how would you like to be approached about this. I would like to keep this between us and not involve the university.
Sara Approach him directly - why not? Of course be polite but share your concerns. Ask him first how he thinks it's going? Ask him what are his impressions so far? Ask him to tell you one thing he's really enjoyed so far in his student teaching and one thing that he hasn't enjoyed. Ask him if he has one suggestion for improvement.

Then tell him...See More
Feb 16, 2010
Old Teach Sara has given you some good advice, but it sounds like you need to get "un-nice" here. As a colleague of mine once told her ST, "the name of this course is student teaching, not student watching". It also sounds like you have been spoon-feeding him a bit too much. Sit down with him, be very frank. Review with him the college's requirements for stu...See More
Feb 21, 2010

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