Substitute Teachers
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The teacher did not leave any plans today. I looked all over the room but could not find any plans I checked with the other teacher, she did not receive any e-mails from her, and neither did the office. The kids said they don't use the textbook. The teacher gives them magazine articles to read. So I just had them write a holiday themed story. One of the kids wrote that he stole Santa' sled, and packed it with bombs for Isis.

Well, at the end of the day, I was erasing the whiteboard, and I saw a paper taped to it in the corner. I hadn't paid any attention to it because I thought it was just another notice or bulletin about something. Turns out it was the day's plans. What a strange place to post your plans. How am I supposed to see that?

I left a note apologizing. Do you think I will get in trouble for this? I know you're supposed to follow the plans but shouldn't the plans be on the desk and labelled?
Sue What was the grade level? I'd be more concerned about the story the kid wrote. You should be OK as long as you explained what happened.

That does seem like a strange place o leave plans.

On 12/18/15, Phil wrote: > The teacher did not leave any plans today. I looked all over > the room but could not find any plans I checked...See More
Dec 18, 2015
Sarah Who the HECK tapes their lesson plans to the corner of a Whiteboard?? Isn't it protocol (and common sense!) to leave lesson plans on the DESK so a sub can find them?? Is the teacher a new teacher? I imagine the principal is going to have a chat with the teacher and suggest where he/she should be putting lesson plans so the sub can find them. Good ...See More
Dec 19, 2015
Math Teach I'm a certified teacher. This year, I'm working as a sub, like the rest of you.

When I needed a sub, I ALWAYS left plans on my desk, as Sarah suggested. IN addition, I left class rosters, copies of all handouts the students would be receiving, and answer keys for everything the kids got. In addition, I would send copies of lesson plans to ...See More
Dec 19, 2015

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