Substitute Teachers
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I am missing 1 day sub. pay. This has happened 2 x's this year at different schools. I am very careful where I am told to sign in. Luckily I looked in my employee portal and was able to see what day is missing. The pay check for this one is next Thursday. Tried to reach the fin. sec. but the school is closed. I will call again on Monday. I just hope she's there. I am just fed up with this. We are always on the bottom when it comes to being paid. A lot of the fin. sec. just put payroll in so fast and totally forget us. Anyone else go thru this. I don't want to worry about this, but I will. Because tomorrow is Christmas.. Every one on this board, please have a Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday.
BJ I hear you. Luckily, we have aesop to go by, and I always keep a written record of my assignments and compare them to what I get paid. I really think a fair rate for certified substitutes would be 120-140 a day because after taxes all I'm left with is 80 a day - and that's at my top-paying district.

On 12/24/15, deb wrote: > I am missin...See More
Dec 25, 2015

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