Substitute Teachers
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When I decided to sub after retirement I decided I would only work a couple of days a week so I could earn some "fun money". I started out by subbing the first 2 weeks of school and opening an autism room in one of the elementary schools. A new teacher was hired within the first week. I trained her the second week, then settled in to working 1-3 days/week, some half days. I got a call a couple of weeks ago from a former coworker asking if I could sub in her autism room as she had fallen at work and was going to be off the rest of the week. Well, we are now into week 3. Hopefully the doctor will see her on Friday and return her to work on Monday. I have a long term FMLA that will hopefully start on Monday. I feel bad if she doesn't return on Monday that her kids and staff will have a different sub. I will miss the kids and the staff, too, but a promise is a promise. The other job was promised weeks ago. I have been trained in that job. If I don't follow through and sub, there ...See More

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