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When I take attendance, more often than not some wise guy, usually a boy, says someone is absent right after that persons clearly says that he or she is present.

Guess whom I mark absent?
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Ask On 3/11/16, I agree with Pixie ... don't mess with the attendance nfm wrote: > On 3/11/16, pixie wrote: >> I have had similar experiences of students trying to mess >> up the attendance, but if you are sending the attendance >> report to the office, as I have to do, I advise you to make >> every effort to take the attenda...See More
Mar 11, 2016
pixie Just asking the class who is absent would be easier but I
don't think it is adequate. I occasionally have a kid who
does not belong in the class but has snuck in and is
trying to blend in to show how smart he is. Once I even
had a kid who no longer attended the school and had walked
in to visit and sat there in the class without tell...See More
Mar 12, 2016
Math Teach to Pixie On 3/12/16, pixie wrote: I occasionally have a kid who > does not belong in the class but has snuck in and is > trying to blend in to show how smart he is. Once I even > had a kid who no longer attended the school and had walked > ss who is absent >> today?

Which is EXACTLY why I don't rely on a "head count" to...See More
Mar 15, 2016
mrsd Love PowerSchool seating charts. The pictures are with the names already. And they are easy to move around (before I retired) and make new seating charts. It is so much easier, if you don't know the students, to be able to have the name and picture on a seating chart. Saved my rear end at the beginning of each school year when I was a teacher and n...See More
Mar 15, 2016
Lee I leave a seating chart with the students' pictures and names for subs and they are ALWAYS up to date. I tell the sub to mark the students absent if they aren't in the right seat. She or he should just go by the chart and not bother calling names or asking the students anything. They know the rules.

When I used to sub in another school, I...See More
Mar 15, 2016

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