Substitute Teachers
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It's sad to see how many substitute teachers are so jaded. Yes, our jobs can be difficult. But so many posts that I read are so negative about this job. I don't understand why people take on substituting when they seem to hate it so much.
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Ze Povinho On 3/13/16, mrsd wrote: > I see this on other teacher sites as well. Karen > > On 3/12/16, mrsd wrote: >> It's sad to see how many substitute teachers are so > jaded. >> Yes, our jobs can be difficult. But so many posts that I >> read are so negative about this job. I don't understand > why >> people take on s...See More
Mar 13, 2016
mrsd Worked in the same middle school for 20+ years, beginning with subbing nearly every day, then as a teacher and now as a sub again. And yes, there is negativity. I guess what I'm talking about isn't that of letting off steam about a student or administrator or even coworker. I'm talking more about the "gotcha" attitude. Or the attitude of ...See More
Mar 13, 2016
pixie I have never seen on this site a "gotcha" attitude towards
students; I have only seen the valid stress over difficult
working conditions that Ze and others have eloquently
described. Every few months someone will post a message
here along the lines of: why do you guys have such a bad
attitude? If you hate it so much why are...See More
Mar 14, 2016
mrsd Venting is one thing. On another site, this guy is SO negative and seems proud of how he gets away with not working hard or with "getting" the students. I can't voice my frustrations there, so came here. You are right. I am a retired teacher who only subs in my own building. I retired at the end of last year, so know 2/3 of the students. ...See More
Mar 14, 2016
Lee I used to post here quite a bit and look in once in a while. I subbed for 20 years and now have a teaching job. One of the reasons that I stopped posting here was because of the negativity.

I subbed almost every day and loved it. Most of the time I was subbing in my home district but for a couple of years I subbed in an inner city school ...See More
Mar 15, 2016

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