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Our kids have a supreme sense of entitlement.

When they represent us they reflect very very poorly on our nation; I know, I've been in 65 countries and seen them in action.

A number of years ago a U.S. Student was kind enough to spray graffiti in Singapore. He was cained.

Yesterday a college kid from Virginia was sentenced to 15 years' hard labor in N. Korea for taking down a propaganda banner.

In both cases back homers complained of f overly harsh punishments.

Kurt Mu On 3/17/16, Lynne S. wrote: > Our kids have a supreme sense of entitlement. > > When they represent us they reflect very very poorly on > our nation; I know, I've been in 65 countries and seen > them in action. > > A number of years ago a U.S. Student was kind enough > to spray graffiti in Singapore. He was cained. > >...See More
Mar 17, 2016
Kim Jong On 3/17/16, Lynne S. wrote: > Our kids have a supreme sense of entitlement. > > When they represent us they reflect very very poorly on > our nation; I know, I've been in 65 countries and seen > them in action. > > A number of years ago a U.S. Student was kind enough > to spray graffiti in Singapore. He was cained. > >...See More
Mar 17, 2016

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