Teacher Travel
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Avoid being a target of crime; try to blend in and not
wear conspicuous (American) clothing and expensive (Bling)
jewelry (leave that stuff at home) and do not carry
excessive amounts of money or unnecessary credit cards.
Carry your wallet in the front left pocket. Most people
are right handed, so pick-pockets will tend to direct
their activities to the right pocket. Also in areas that
lend themselves to theft, I often will use a “throw away
wallet” in the back pocket with nothing of value in it as
a decoy.

Or, you can wear a money belt and carry a “throw away
wallet.” Note: It’s best to have a wallet with cash for
day to day spending to use, separate from your passport
and credit cards. This “throw away wallet” is for use,
when being robbed. Toss the wallet so that it falls to
the floor away from you and slightly out of reach of the
criminal and run in the opposite direction o...See More

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