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We have moved to a report card that is standards-based..... which I so prefer. We just check off if a standard is mastered.... no grey area of whether it is an a or b....... What do other people do? What is your opinion of this? :)
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chichi How do you evaluate if a standard has been mastered? I've created three versions of ten-item multiple choice assessments for each individual skill/concept on the state standards list. It took two years to complete it all, but it is very helpful. Students who pass with 80% are registered as M for mastery. Those who do not are retaught and retested u...See More
Jun 18, 2011
judy5ca We have a standards-based report card, but like everything in my district, it's much more complicated than yours. I would LOVE a simple check system like you describe. Unfortunately, we have to break down every standard to: NS needs support AS approaching standard MS meeting standard MS+ consistently meets standard and moves beyond ES exceeds stand...See More
Jun 18, 2011
judy5ca Forgot to say that, like Rin, mastery is 80% in our district. Judy

On 6/18/11, judy5ca wrote: > We have a standards-based report card, but like everything in > my district, it's much more complicated than yours. I would > LOVE a simple check system like you describe. Unfortunately, > we have to break down every standard to: >...See More
Jun 18, 2011
Cathy The common core refer to grade level text complexity only in the final strand. It seems as though a 'struggling' student can 'meet' the standards at a lower text complexity (Independent or Instructional levels) and only 'not meet' on 'range of reading and level of text complexity'. Is that how others interpret the issue of a student not reading on ...See More
Jun 18, 2011
Karen M. On 6/17/11, Stellaluna wrote: > We have moved to a report card that is standards-based..... > which I so prefer. We just check off if a standard is > mastered.... no grey area of whether it is an a or b....... > What do other people do? What is your opinion of this? :)

Our report card has been standards based for some time now,...See More
Jun 19, 2011

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