Third Grade
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I am getting a Smartboard this next year and am in need of help! Are there any good sites or books that will help me to get started? Any help will be appreciated!
Jenny On 7/23/11, tessieteach wrote: > I am getting a Smartboard this next year and am in need of > help! Are there any good sites or books that will help me > to get started? Any help will be appreciated!

I started using one this summer at summer school and it's great! I didn't have any resources and would love some as well, but you ca...See More
Jul 26, 2011
Jenny On 7/23/11, tessieteach wrote: > I am getting a Smartboard this next year and am in need of > help! Are there any good sites or books that will help me > to get started? Any help will be appreciated!

[link removed]

I hope this helps a little.
Jul 26, 2011

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